

maandag 27 september 2010

Crazy weather in Australia

Hey readers, here in Holland its dark and rainy all the time. This was another reason for me to take the thought on moving to Australia.

I have read about Australia having some crazy weather conditions sometimes. From thunderstorms of many miles wide, to duststorms that feel like armageddon is coming.

This is a picture i found of an actual duststorm happening, in a suburb of SYDNEY! 
Can you believe that? The weather there sure can be crazy compared to here!

40 opmerkingen:

  1. That's a CRAZY duststorm. I'm flip out if I looked out my window and saw that.

  2. That's fine, it's happening in Australia. Ya'll are use to those sort of things. :P

  3. yeah but that was in 2002, before global warming started happening

  4. great photo...unnerving, i agree with john i would freak if i walked out my door and saw that

  5. That looks crazy as shit. I wouldn't want to be around when that comes rolling through.

  6. google 'dust storm sydney 2009' the actual heart of sydney city was covered in red dust, and it looked beautiful
    Australias weather is fairly random, and seasons seem to change within hours lol
    By he way if you plan moving here i suggest moving to an East-Coast state, as the west coast is always about 40 degrees+ or so :P

  7. lol WHOA!

    call em crazy, but i think it'd be fun to be in the middle of that! xD

  8. It's dull and rainy here in England too :(

    A couple of years ago we had a flood......it was the most weather based excitement I have ever had.

  9. Hah Paul, if the dikes here would crash and it would flood, half of holland would drown!

  10. Awesome, yet scary. Still, I want to be there.

  11. Damn, thats epic. Id rather have that then boring ass nothing here is the US.

  12. Would love to be around for that, for some reason...

  13. holy crap thats amazing have u ever been caught in one of those storms

  14. Now that would make me... cover up my car quickly! LOL

  15. something like that happened to me in el paso a few years back, crazy shit man

  16. australia has the crazy stuff... giant spiders, weird weather... wtf xD

  17. I can't even believe that picture...I'd shit myself LOL

  18. Australian weather you so silly xD

  19. Despite this, i still wanna visit sometime!

  20. Wow! that is crazy. would be cool to witness something like that tho. :)

  21. Wow, crazy dust storms. Like, seriously, since when are dust storms still a problem for civilized society?

  22. Wow I wonder what people were thinking when they saw that. That picture is insane. Really cool dude! Follow me!
